Steven Spring Photography - All Rights Reserved
The Society for the Preservation of Old Mills (SPOOM) provides mill lists by individual states as shown in the back of their publication OLD MILL NEWS. Presently the lists are available via CD (preferred) or Printed (more expensive because of the printing costs) at the current pricing schedule.
Up to five copies in Adobe PDF format are now available free to members and nonmembers. For members, your SPOOM number and mailing address are required for auditing and accounting purposes. For non-members, only your Email or mailing address is required. Please only order lists for those states you will be traveling through.
For further information or to request mill lists, contact Robert at
All information about mills is gratefully received and will be added to the mill list. However, when submitting a report on a mill, please use our revised standardized Mill Survey form. The mill list is undergoing an almost daily updating with information received from members and the Internet, as well as Old Mill reference information.
SPOOM Membership information is available on the website.